petak, 24. prosinca 2010.


image via, enjoy in Xmas spirit as much as you can these days

We wish to all our dear readers, customers, fans and friends Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!


subota, 11. prosinca 2010.


AMARADI products , you can find them in URBAN ART shop

You can find interesting products made by many Croatian artists in URBAN ART shop

U ovo vrijeme jako dobro dođe informacija o nekom možda još neotkrivenom mjestu za kupovinu poklona. Da ne biste Badnjak proveli u grozničavom traganju za poklonima u lokalnom supermarketu ili ćak možda na usputnoj benzinskoj pumpi (grozno, ali desilo se i nama jednom davno) danas ću vam predstaviti URBAN ART. Slatki dućan krcat idejama za božićne poklone nalazi se u novom zagrbačkom naselju, Špansko, na malom trgu, u susjedstvu mnogih ugodnih kafića, slastičarnice i pizzerie. Prošećite, popijte kavu i bacite se na razgledavanje svih čuda i čudesa koja nudi URBAN ART! Unikatna keramika mnogih hrvatskih autora, anđeli, lampe, ukrasne kutije, svijeće, čestitke i još mnoooogo toga vas čeka! Naravno, i u URBAN ARTU možete naći AMARADI proizvode (pladnjeve, podmetače, vješalice, slike, jastučiće..). Jako bitno ovih dana - VRLO POVOLJNE CIJENE! SRETAN ULOV!!!

These days we appreciate every information about some new and good places for buying Christmas gifts. I wouldn´t want you to buy your presents in rush on Christmas Eve in some local supermarket, or even worse in nearby gas station (awfully, but I have to admit that has happened to me once long time ago ), so I ĺl present you today URBAN ART! Sweet shop full of Xmas ideas is situated on little square, surrounded with many cosy cofee bars, pastry shop and restaurants. Take a walk, have a cup of cofee and than throw yourself on big exploration of this interesting shop. URBAN ART offers you unique ceramics by many Croatian authors, angels, lamps, boxes, candels, greeting cards and many other things! Of course, among others you can find here AMARADI handmade products ( trays, coasters, hangers, pictures, pilows..). The prices are AFFORDABLE so I wish you GREAT HUNT!!!

četvrtak, 9. prosinca 2010.


One of many new shopping centres opened recently here in Zagreb, "West Gate" and its decorations..

"Klub božićnih kolačića" , "The Christmas cookie club" by Ann Pearlman reading these days, "Marie Claire ideés" always full with great ideas and projects

image via My bricole, great recipe for hot chocolate, take a peek..

Zbilja manjka pauze ovih dana.. Uz punjenje našeg dućana treba isporučiti i drugima koji prodaju
AMARADI proizvode.. a dani jure. Toliko toga bih htjela završiti, a umor uporno odbijam od sebe. Zato su mi pravi gušt oni rijetki trenutci kad mogu predahnuti, zamotati se u dekicu , uz šalicu vruće čokolade i nešto za čitanje. Dragi mi je za vikend poklonio ovu knjigu koju još nisam načela, ali se spremam.. Božićnog ugođaja ovih dana ne smije manjkati. Uživajte mi dragi moji i priuštite si svoje minute odmora!

I am really missing free time this days.. Besides filling our shop we have to deliver AMARADI products to other shops and galleries.. and days are flying. I would like to finish so many things, and I constantly ignore tirednes. That´s why I really enjoy in moments when I can relax, wrap myself in blanket, have u cup of homemade hot chocolate and something for read. My guy bought me this book as a weekend present. I haven´t started reading it yet, but I will soon.. We shouldn´t miss Xmas spirit these days! Enjoy in your free time my dear readers, and take some minutes just for yousrelves.

četvrtak, 2. prosinca 2010.


images via AMARADI, handmade Christmas hearts

Uvijek se iznova razveselim prvom snijegu i činjenici da živim u zemlji koja unatoč svim klimatskim promjenama i dalje ima četiri različita godišnja doba koja su uspjela zadržati sve svoje specifičnosti. Kako iduće godine planiramo neke promjene u poslu tako ćemo vjerojatno polovicu godine živjeti u našoj kući na moru kraj Zadra.. ipak guštanje u zimi i sniježnim danima neće nam nedostajati jer je zima rezervirana za Zagreb i kontinentalni dio.

Svaki dan u dućan dolaze neke nove božićne dekoracije, pa ako ste blizu navratite! Za one koji su daleko evo par fotkica .. vrući, tek završeni ukrasi od tkanine!

I am always happy when the first snow appears and I like that I live in country which despite all climate changes has four different seasons. Every season has still managed to keep its characteristics. Next year we are planing some changes in our business and we will be probably living half of the year in our home on the coast, in town called Zadar. However, we will not miss the snow and chilly days because during winter months we´ll stay in Zagreb.

These days we are filling up the shop with new beautifull Christmas decorations, so if you are nearby come and visit us! For all of you who are living far away here are some photos.. new , just finished decorations, handmade!


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