nedjelja, 27. veljače 2011.


" Momo" bag by designer Jérôme Dreyfuss, photo via net a porter

Evo malo prave poslastice na kraju ove opuštajuće nedjeljne večeri za ljubitelje dobrog proizvoda.

Francuski dizajner Jérôme Dreyfuss proizveo je kolekciju torbi pod nazivom Roots de Luxe i kroz sezone stvorio prepoznatljivu marku torbi. Njegove su torbe proizvedene od vrhunske meke kože. Svojim torbama Jérome je dao zanimljiva muška imena ( Marc, Lucien, .. svakako posjetite stranicu.. slatko, slatko ). Kolekcije njegovih torbi prodaju se u mnogim prestižnim trgovinama širom Francuske i najvećim svijetskim robnim kućama.

Vrlo inspirativno.. Zar ne? Kao proizvođač uvijek dobijem novu energiju iz ovakvih primjera!

I am here with one real eye candy for the end of this relaxing sunday evening.

French designer Jérôme Dreyfuss has produced a bag collection called Roots de Luxe and over the season has made a trademark of his bags. They are made in reptile skins or supple leather. Jérôme has given his bags friendly and timeless male names. (Marc,Lucien.. You must visit his site .. sweet, sweet ). His collections are sold in many prestigious retail outlets in France and many mayor international department stores.

Very inspirative .. Isn´t it? As a designer and bag manufacturer myself, I always get new energy from examples like this.
1. " Lucien "

2."Oscar "

3. " Paul "
4. "Twee Mini" photo via net a porter


photos 1., 2., 3. and 5. via Jérôme Dreyfuss

utorak, 22. veljače 2011.


Uh, ponovno snijeg i niže temerature.. Prevrtljiva veljača! Mislima i duhom sam već u proljeću.. ili ćak ljetu..

Uh, here in Zagreb we have snow and low temperetures again.. Changeable February! In my minds and spirit I am already in spring.. or even summer..

photo via absolutely beautiful things

nedjelja, 20. veljače 2011.


Jedno kratko javljanje s pogledom na izradu novih proljetnih stolnjaka.. Puno boja, cvijetnih aplikacija, lana i pamuka, i.... neću još sve otkriti, neka ostane još malo tajna. Nove modele uvijek radim na meni najdražoj staroj "koferici". Molim vas obratite pažnju na njene brojne ožiljke i moja domišljata rješenja popravaka istih "selotejpom". Iako je mojoj staroj mašini vrijeme za mirovinu, ne da se ona još..

I am here for quick presentation of production of our new spring tablecloth line..Plenty of colours, flower applications, linen and cotton fabrics and.. I won´t tell anything else, let it be secret for a while. I always work on new designs on my old sewing machine. You can see on photos it is very old and wounded. I even tried to fix it with the sellotape. It is its time for retirement but it is still working..

" Despite economic crisis, many small businesses in spring 2010. have just burst into flower!" I couldn´t resist to put this NIK TITANIK funny comic about Cratian economic crisis on my machine..

četvrtak, 17. veljače 2011.


Cijenim prave majstore. Na ručno rađenoj torbi volim vidjeti zanimljiv, dobar kroj, kvalitetan materijal ako se radi o tkanini ili eko koži, praktičnu unutrašnjost s džepovima ili pretincima, savršen šav i naravno neki otkačeni, dobro izrađeni detalj.

Proces istraživanja, učenja i poboljšavanja proizvoda traje stalno.

I always admire real masterpieces. When I look handmade bag I like to see interesting and good shape, fabric of good quality, practical inside with pockets, perfect seam and of course some special, nicely made detail.

The process of exploration, learning and making product better never stops.

AMARADI summer bag made of ecco leather with hand cut details

Spring bag with little flounce
Grey woolen bag with little striped bow

Amaradi bag made of grey woolen warm fabric with red details and silky rope
Winter patchwork bag with little flowers made of wool

Green brocade bag with handmade brooch

Black and white bag with lacy cut leather handle

utorak, 15. veljače 2011.


photos by AMARADI, I excuse myself for not so good photos, .. mhm ..sorry, they were taken in the shop, on the bad light .. usually in a hurry..

Pozdrav svima nakon kraće odsutnosti! Ne, ne, nije to bio zimski san. S ovim proljetnim temperaturama u veljači , njušimo da je i ljeto vrlo blizu, a time i sezona "More". Kod nas to znači punjenje dućana, galerija i suvenirnica na obali od Uskrsa do jeseni Amaradi proizvodima . Osim što izrađujemo već dobro poznate Amaradi proizvode, svake godine u ovo vrijeme radimo i na nekim novim idejama. Ima ih bezbroj, naravno, ali velika većina ostaje samo na skici, tako da po sezoni dobijemo tek jedan ili dva nova proizvoda. Obzirom da se svi proizvodi izrađuju ručno, uz minimalnu upotebu jednostavnih alata, mislim da je to prevelika količina novih proizvoda, ali jednostavno ne mogu odoliti .. i uvijek se moram kočiti i upozoravati da se vratim starim, u prodaji već jakim proizvodima, jer rad na njima nikad ne prestaje. Uvijek se traže nova poboljšanja od izrade do plasiranja i prodaje.

Danas se prisjećam nekih prošlih, meni dragih modela Amaradi torbi . Uvijek se razveselim kad prošeću pored mene negdje u gradu...

Hello to everyone after short non-appearance! No, belive me, it was not a winter sleep. Here in Zagreb we are having very nice weather with high temperatures for February, so we are already preparing ourselves for summer season. We have to full many shops and galleries along Adriatic coast with Amaradi products. These days we are also enjoying in developing some new products. There are so many ideas, but I always control myself , so at the end we launch only one or two new products. Our old and very well sold products take most of our time because our production is still manual and done with very simple tools. This process of making product better never stops. From designing till selling it.

Today I would like to show you some of Amaradi bags which were sold, but I stil like them. I am happy every time when I see some of them walking by myself somewhere on the street...


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