I vikend počeo.. AMARADI radni tjedan projurio! Izrezivanje motiva, lijepljenje, kaširanje.. cijeli smo tjedan u jednoj fazi izrade! Uh, puuunoo toga! Svaki proizvod mora biti savršen i mora proći deset puta kroz ruke. Sljedeći tjedan oslikavanje, bojanje, lakiranje! Psssst .. Jedva sam dočekala.
Tražila sam ovih dana neke fotke i crteže za katalog koji pripremamo i naletila na stare mape. Evo nekoliko crteža za početak opuštajućeg vikenda (Tema ovih ilustracija je bilo rublje).
Hvala svima što nas pratite, i thanks svima na komentarima i porukama ovdje i na facebooku! Sva vaša javljanja nam daju prekrasnu motivaciju i veeeeliki su punjači naših baterija! Uživajte!
The weekend has started ..and AMARADI working week has just flown! Whole week we were cuting motives and glueing them. So many products! Every piece has to be perfect and it usually goes through our hands more than ten times. Next week we have to do painting and varnishing. Pssssst..I can hardly wait.
A few days ago I was looking for some old sketches and photos because we are working on our new catalogue, when I discovered my old map of drawings. Here are some of them for you on the beggining of this relaxing weekend. (The theme was Lingerie )
I also want to thank you all for following us here and on facebook, and thanks a lot for your sweet comments! You give us a great motivation for our work! Enjoy!