nedjelja, 27. svibnja 2012.
subota, 26. svibnja 2012.
ponedjeljak, 21. svibnja 2012.
Nemojte mi zamjeriti na malo teksta danas.. Umorna, pospana, kišna atmosfera u Zagrebu.. I jedna vesela torbica.. Uživajte u ostatku večeri! xoxo
Rainy day in Zagreb today! I had to cheer up the working atmosphere so I made this bag.
nedjelja, 20. svibnja 2012.
1. Gorgeous Jimmy Choo sandals photo via here
2. Amaradi Black Clutch, Update: PRODANA,SOLD
3. In love with this color, photo
4. Black dress
četvrtak, 10. svibnja 2012.
AMARADI cherry bag
This bag has already gotten its new owner, but I wanted to share this pics with you..
utorak, 8. svibnja 2012.
Izrada ovakve torbe traje duže od ostalih modela. Prvo radim skicu i igram se bojama. Slijedi pažljivo, ručno izrezivanje svih dijelova koji će na kraju dati sliku. Volim čiste, jake boje elemenata opisati crnim koncem. Uživam u svim fazama rada na AMARADI torbama, ali faza izrade slike mi je posebno draga. Kad su elementi našiveni i slika gotova, ostavljam ju do vremena kad sam raspoložena za manje kreativnosti, a više mehaničkog rada, tj. spajanja stranica, ušivavanja ručki, zatvarača, podstave i ostalog.. Evo jedne od mojih novijih ljubimica.. "La vita e` bella!" A ljeto nam tek dolazi..
The process of making this kind of bag last longer than others. First I do a sketch and play with colors. Then I carefully hand-cut all the small parts that will make a picture. I love when elements are in vivid colors sewn with black thread. I enjoy all the phases of making AMARADI bags, but this phase I like particularly. When the elements are sewn and the picture is finished, I leave it up to the time when I'm in the mood for a less creative and more mechanical work, like sewing sides, handles, zipper, lining and other things .. Here's AMARADI new Picture Bag .. "La Vita e' Bella!".. And the summer is yet to come..
petak, 4. svibnja 2012.
Wow .. my 100th post! Thank you guys for following and reading this blog. Making AMARADI products takes the biggest part of my day, taking care of all other business stuff also takes hours and hours, so I am very happy to see that I have lovely audience here and that I managed to post almost regulary.
Ovih nas je dana frendica iznenadila s odličnim domaćim kolačima. Totalno sam guštala.
Yummy.. homemade pastries.. These were friend´s gift. I enjoyed!
Nove torbe otišle na more. Ovo su samo neke od njih..
I sent new bags to the shop on the coast that carries AMARADI products.
Posjetili su nas neki dan moja frendica Ana i njen sin Noah. Noah je beba u koju se odmah zaljubite! Rekla bih, budući nogometaš kao i njegov tata.
My dear friend Ana and her son Noah visited us a few days ago. I had a great time. Noah is a PERFECT baby! I would say a future football player, like his father.
U šetnji do centra Zagreba možete sresti ćak i ...srnu!
The other day while I walked downtown I noticed this beautiful creature. One of neighbours has deers in his garden. Lovely!
Obavljala sam neke isporuke u centru, pa evo par brzih fotki usput.. nisu "profi", sorry ..
Zagreb.. I was in hurry but managed to take some photos while walking..
Samo sam uspjela škicnuti nekoliko izloga..
I was just window shopping.. Nice bright colors..
Jeste li probali ove? Slatko mjesto!
Refreshment.. and energy .. for the rest of the day :)
I.. brzi pogled na neke nove torbe..uskoro slijedi fotkanje i stavljanje u web shop..
Sneak peek at some new bags .. soon in shop
Hvala ekipi na podršci! Torbe brzo odlaze k novim vlasnicama! Thank you!
Evo jedne raspoložive iz shopa
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