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last two images by AMARADI
Za početak još jednog radnog tjedna evo nekoliko ideja na temu dekoriranja dječjih soba. Škola je počela, zahladilo je i klinci sve više borave u svojim sobama. Ako niste ni u ludilu razmišljali o nekim velikim zahvatima i preurađenjima možda će vas ovih nekoliko ideja inspirirati da barem promijenite neke detalje. Školska je godina duga i djeci treba učiniti što je moguće više ugodnijim boravak u zatvorenom.
On the beginning of one more working week here are some ideas for decorating children´s rooms. The school has started, it is colder outside and kids are spending more time in their rooms. Maybe you haven´t think of big changes and redecorations of child´s room but this few ideas could inspire to change some details. School year will last long and we have to make cozy atmosphere for kids to stay inside.
I simply love the yellow bed. So sweet!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for commenting in my blog, and welcome back! :)
I agree with you! Yellow bed is gorgeous! I adore Serena and Lily design.