utorak, 23. studenoga 2010.


photo by AMARADI, .. very old add for "Fa " soap, I think that magazine was from 50´s,or 60´s..?? What do you think? The colours are bright and illustration looks very vivid. Maybe I´ll frame it for my bathroom ?

Kad imam dovoljno vremena, a to je u zadnje vrijeme rijetko, volim se prihvatiti crtanja. Crtam oduvijek. Svašta! Stripove, modne crteže, ilustracije, crteže na upotrebnim predmetima.. sve može! Tehnike? Sve što ostavlja trag.. može! S vremenom sam skupila mnogo inspirativnih crteža i iliustracija koje bih voljela podijeliti s vama. Neki su doista vrlo stari i djela su pravih majstora. Ovo su danas fotke nekih od njih. Pošto ih je većina u obliku reklama iz raznih vintage časopisa na žalost ne znam navesti autore..

When I have enough time, which is rare this days, I like to draw. I draw everything! Comics, fashion sketches, illustrations, drawings on different home accessories.. everything can do! Techniques? Everything can do! I have collected many inspirative drawings and ilustrations which I want to share with you. Some of them are very old and they are real masterpieces. Here are photos some of them. This illustrations were taken from different vintage magazines and I am sad that I don´t know names of their authors..

ponedjeljak, 22. studenoga 2010.


images via glamourous and very inspirative BELLEMAISON blog

image via DECORPAD

...I would dare to say this apartment has beautiful masculine look..

Nekad kombinacija crno bijelo može biti previše isključiva i dosadna, ali na ovim fotografijama ona to nikako nije. Uživajte u pogledu na doista božanstvene prostore. Ova smjela kobinacija može raskošno izgledati i u manjim prostorijama, ako imaju dovoljno velike izvore dnevnog svjetla. I ne zaboravite investirati u veće, kvalitetne detalje kao što su lampe, svijećnjaci, tepisi, ogledala... Oni će i najmanjem stanu dati onaj raskošni, luksuzni naglasak.

Black and white combination could look too boring, but certainly not in this photos. Enjoy in this gorgeous interiors. This brave combination could look luxurious also in smaller rooms, if there are large windows or other sources of day light.. And don´t forget to invest in high quality details like lamps, chandeliers, carpets, mirrors.. They will give luxurious accent to even the smallest apartment.

petak, 19. studenoga 2010.


This year I put white painted branches in large glass vases...

..and decorated them with AMARADI handmade wood "cookies" and red ribbons..

Christmas tree made of little bows..We like it a lot! It has soft and warm look.

images by AMARADI

Doista mi je jako žao što mi ovih dana tako malo vremena ostaje za bloganje, ali proizvodnja zato radi punom parom..Brojni proizvodi čekaju završnu fazu pa da budu izloženi na našim policama. Ne čini li vam se da Božić svake godine dođe sve brže?? Nisam kampanjac i ne volim žurbu ni rokove, ali uvijek mislim da nećemo stići izbaciti sve što bismo željeli. Uh...

Evo nekoliko fotkica iz dućana danas. Obično radimo nekoliko različitih postava Božićnog izloga, a ovo je prvi od njih. Pozdrav svima, a osobito novim curkama na mom blogu! Pratim vaše blogove kad god mogu.U siječnju obećajem viiiiišeeee blogerske aktivnosti!

I am really sorry for not having enough time for blogging these days because production is taking my whole day.. Many products are waiting to be finished and put on shelves in our shop. Do you have a feeling that Christmas comes earlier every year?? I don´t like rush and working in time- limits, and I always think we´ll not manage to finish everything we want. Uh..

Here are few photos of AMARADI shop today. We usually make few different Christmas displays, and here is the first of them this year. I would like to say hi to all of you , especially to new girls who started to follow my blog! I read your blogs when ever I can. I promisse much more posts in January!!!

srijeda, 10. studenoga 2010.


images by AMARADI, sorry for not so good photos..

Mmmm... prava mala poslastica! Vrlo sam zadovoljna što sam završila ovu malu plavu brokatnu torbu koja mi je,moram priznati bila jedan dugotrajni projekt.. Završavala sam ju u nekoliko faza želeći da na kraju bude savršena! Prekrasan plavo crni brokat, još je više došao do izražaja zbog jednostavne forme torbe. Ručno rađeni broš na prednjoj strani torbe naglašava ženstveni, pomalo vintage izgled. Savršena za večernji izlazak u grad.

Voljela bih saznati kako vam se sviđa... ???

Mmmm... really delicious! I am very satisfied with this little blue brocade bag which I have finally finished, I have to admit making it was one long project.. I was finishing it in several times because I wanted it to be perfect! Gorgeous blue and black brocade is even more enhanced with simple model of this bag. Handcrafted brooch emphasizes its feminine, vintage look. Perfect as an evening bag.

I would like to know how do you like it...???


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