Puuunoo promjena ovaj mjesec!!! Neki novi zaokreti u poslovanju koje smo se već nekoliko mjeseci pripremali i puuuunooo novih proizvoda. Obećajem, u sljedećem postu ću sve ispričati, a sada samo nekoliko novih fotkica prije slatkog sna. "Urban Art" u Španskom,(Zagreb), ima na svojim policama novi proljetni AMARADI nakit. Cuureee, konačno, proljeće je tu!!!
Many changes this month!!! These days our small business has reached some turning points that we have been planning for several months. I promise I ´ll tell you more about that in my next post. Now I just want to share with you a few photos of our new jewelry line available in "Urban Art" shop, here in Zagreb. Girls, it is great the spring is here!!!
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