četvrtak, 14. ožujka 2013.

After two months..

.. I am here again! Hello everyone! It is middle of the March and we are having snow again. I can´t believe! We have already brought chairs and tables to our terrace, and now they are completely covered with snow. Huh.. The good news is that towards the weather forcast it will soon be warm and sunny , here in Zagreb. Yeees! I am happy about that!

Snow moments 2013. In the beginning it was romantic and beautiful, but now it is .. enough .. You know what I mean - hello Spring!!!!

I want to share with you some photos of how I spent past two months. I took a break to focus myself more on my private life. After six years of running my own business, working constantly, especially hard in circumstances of economic crisis which hit our country badly, I became really exhausted and needed a pause.

 I took this time to breathe, eat, sleep and didn´t want to think about stress. I visited my family and my sister, with whom I spent nice time cooking, and of course eating all this yummy stuff we baked.

For the  beginning of new year, I decided I ´ll try much more to find free time in my working day and spend it the best I can. As a result I started drawing again. I am doing this only for enjoying myself right now.. The drawings are not for selling, but who knows where it would lead me in the future. I am happy because I returned to my old passion - illustration. I have neglected it for too long. If you love shoes and some other feminine things, like nice parfume bottles or lingerie, I invite you to visit my new page.

Another change and happy news is that I decided to be much more involved in work of non profit organization and started with one great project. I ´ll talk to you about it in my future posts, but now I just want to give you a short notice that it is going to be about sustainable, green fashion.

I remember every day how I am blessed with beautiful partner, family and friends and thank God every day for that. I am thankful for the strength to go through rough times and thankful for the opportunity to do the things I love and be a part of big creative society.

It was nice feeling to find time these days and make a gift to a dear friend. She had this lovely embroidered jeans that she never wore, so I turned them into practical hobo bag.  She was delighted and I enjoyed.

4 komentara:

  1. Dobro ti jutro želim :-)

    Jako mi je drago pročitati da si našla vremena za odmor i uživanje. Ponekad je to zaista svima nama potrebno i treba se tomu prepustiti bez velikih razmišljanja. Za tvoje planove mogu samo reči: Bravo! I jedva čekam da nam više o svemu ispričaš i pokažeš. A sada, odoh skok to FB u posjet tvojoj novoj stranici.

    Ugodan ti dan želim

    1. Juuuuutro Sandra! :-)
      Hvala ti na lajkićima! Uh koje naušnice!!! ... Sve mi se sviđa što radiš! Big like!

  2. ok, ovo je treći put u par dana da sam naletila na ovu šalicu s muffinima.... nekak mi se čini da mi je suđena ;) Ak mi možeš reći di si ju kupila....? Tnx

    Super su ti stvari :)

    1. ha, ha, .. možda si ju vidjela na mom fb, ovih dana je bila i tamo. Imam ju već jako dugo i super mi je što je ogromna, za puuunoo kavice ili čaja. Mislim da je bila iz nekog sasvim običnog dučkasa, nešto kao Konzum ili Mercator ili nešto sl. Jako malo novaca, to se sjećam, i da, bilo je i drugih pastelnih boja. Kad budeš idući puta išla u špeceraj, širom otvori oči, možda nađeš nešto slično! Sretno!



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